Faruki Blog

No Anonymity In P Diddy Rape Case

A woman who filed a civil suit alleging she was gang raped by Sean (P Diddy) Combs will not be permitted to proceed using a pseudonym. She failed to.. Read More

Public Access Protected In Minnesota Officer Involved Shooting

A Minnesota criminal case arising from an officer involved shooting will remain open to the public, despite efforts by the state to restrict access.. Read More

Ohio Social Media Act Enjoined

A Columbus based federal judge has enjoined from enactment a recently passed Ohio statute limiting minors’ access to social media. The Court.. Read More

RFK, Jr. Loses In New Hampshire

The headline does not refer to RFK Jr.'s struggles at the ballot box. Rather, this column concerns his loss in a New Hampshire Federal District.. Read More

No Luck For Yelp In Suit Against Texas AG

A California federal court recently dealt a blow to YELP's efforts to stop Ken Paxton, the Attorney General for the state of Texas, from continuing.. Read More

The Supreme Court and Copyright Damages: Will Accrual Be Kind?

The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear oral argument in Warner Chappell Music, Inc. v. Nealy on February 21, the issue being whether the three-year.. Read More

No Public Official/Figure Status For High School Football Coach

The South Carolina Supreme Court recently decided that a high school football coach was not a public official or a public figure for purposes of a.. Read More

Texas Book Ban Law Unconstitutional

The United States Court of Appeal for the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals recently struck down the Texas READER Act. The Court concluded that the Act.. Read More

"Peaceful" January 6 Protestor Loses Defamation Suit Against Facebook

Genevieve Mahoney, a student at Furman University, who attended the January 6, 2021 riot at the United States Capitol recently lost her defamation.. Read More

Does the First Amendment Protect a College Chancellor/Porn Actor?

I have to admit, I never thought I'd be writing a column with this headline. But the First Amendment pops up in all sorts of unusual places I suppose. Read More